How Much Does It Cost for a Locksmith to Make a Car Key?

Getting a car key made by a locksmith can vary in cost depending on several factors. In this article, we will explore the different factors that can affect the cost of making a car key, as well as the average cost you can expect to pay. Understanding these factors will help you make an informed decision when you need to get a car key made.

Key Takeaways

  • The type of car key you need can affect the cost of making a car key.
  • The type of car you have can also impact the cost of making a car key.
  • The location where you get the car key made may influence the price.
  • The time of day when you need the car key made can affect the cost.
  • In addition to the key blank and labor costs, there may be additional fees involved.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Making a Car Key

Type of Car Key

The type of car key you need can greatly affect the cost of making a car key. There are several types of car keys, including traditional keys, transponder keys, and keyless entry remotes. Each type of key requires different technology and expertise to create. For example, transponder keys have a built-in chip that communicates with the car’s immobilizer system, providing an extra layer of security. This advanced technology may require the services of a local expert who specializes in transponder key programming.

Type of Car

The type of car is an important factor that affects the cost of making a car key. Different car models and makes may require different types of keys, such as traditional keys or transponder keys. Transponder key programming is a process that involves syncing the key with the car’s immobilizer system. This ensures that only the programmed key can start the car, providing an added layer of security. The complexity of transponder key programming can impact the overall cost of making a car key.


The location where you need a car key made can also impact the cost. Local locksmiths may charge different rates depending on the area they serve. In general, locksmith services in urban areas tend to be more expensive compared to rural areas. Additionally, if you require a car key replacement while you are in a remote location, you may have to pay extra for the locksmith’s travel expenses.

Time of Day

The time of day can also affect the cost of making a car key. Locksmiths may charge higher rates for emergency services during late-night or early-morning hours. This is because they may need to interrupt their regular schedule or travel longer distances to assist you. It’s important to note that if you find yourself in a situation where you need a car key made outside of regular business hours, it’s best to contact a reliable locksmith who offers 24/7 services.

Average Cost of Making a Car Key

Cost of Key Blank

The cost of the key blank is an important factor in determining the overall cost of making a car key. The key blank is the physical key that will be cut and programmed to match your car’s ignition. The price of the key blank can vary depending on the type of key and the brand. It is essential to choose a high-quality key blank to ensure durability and compatibility with your car’s locking system.

Labor Costs

Labor costs are an important factor in determining the overall cost of making a car key. The complexity of the key and the type of car can affect the amount of time and effort required to create a new key. Locksmiths may charge different rates for different types of keys, such as transponder keys or remote keys. Additionally, the location and time of day can also impact labor costs. In general, labor costs for making a car key can range from $50 to $150.

Additional Fees

In addition to the cost of the key blank and labor, there may be additional fees associated with making a car key. These fees can vary depending on the locksmith and the specific circumstances. Some common additional fees include:

The average cost of making a car key can vary depending on several factors such as the type of key, the make and model of the car, and the location. At BDS Locksmith Bay Area, we understand the importance of having a reliable car key and offer affordable key-making services. Whether you need a replacement key or a spare key, our team of skilled locksmiths can help. With our expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, we can create high-quality car keys that are programmed to work seamlessly with your vehicle. Don’t wait until you’re locked out or in need of a new key – contact us today to get a quote and ensure you have a reliable car key at all times.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does it cost to make a car key?

The cost of making a car key can vary depending on several factors such as the type of key, type of car, location, and time of day. On average, it can range from $50 to $250.

2. What is the difference between a basic car key and a transponder key?

A basic car key is a traditional key that only opens the car doors and ignition. A transponder key, on the other hand, has a built-in chip that communicates with the car’s immobilizer system. This provides an extra layer of security and makes it more difficult to duplicate.

3. Can I get a car key made without the original?

Yes, it is possible to get a car key made without the original. Locksmiths have the tools and equipment to create a new key from scratch. However, the process may be more complicated and may require additional verification.

4. How long does it take to make a car key?

The time it takes to make a car key can vary depending on the complexity of the key and the locksmith’s experience. On average, it can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hour.

5. Are car keys covered by insurance?

Car keys are typically not covered by insurance unless you have specific coverage for lost or stolen keys. It is advisable to check with your insurance provider to see if you have this coverage.

6. Can I program a car key myself?

In some cases, it is possible to program a car key yourself if you have the necessary tools and knowledge. However, it can be a complex process and it is recommended to consult a professional locksmith to ensure proper programming.

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