How to Re-key a Lock: Complete Guide

Re-keying a lock is a process of changing the internal components of a lock so that it can be operated by a different key. This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to re-key a lock and the benefits of doing so.

Key Takeaways

  • Re-keying a lock allows you to change the key that operates the lock without replacing the entire lock.
  • Re-keying is necessary when you move into a new home or if you lose a key.
  • The process of re-keying involves disassembling the lock cylinder, replacing the key pins, and reassembling the lock cylinder.
  • Testing the new key and troubleshooting common issues are important steps in the re-keying process.
  • If you’re unsure or uncomfortable with re-keying a lock, it’s best to seek professional help.

What is Re-keying a Lock?

Understanding the Basics of Re-keying

Re-keying a lock is the process of changing the internal components of a lock cylinder so that it can be operated by a different key. This is done by rearranging the pins inside the cylinder to match a new key’s pattern. It is a cost-effective way to change the key that operates a lock without replacing the entire lock.

Re-keying is commonly used in situations where you want to maintain the security of a lock but need to restrict access to certain individuals. By re-keying a lock, you can ensure that only authorized individuals have the new key, while rendering any old keys useless.

When re-keying a lock, it is important to have the necessary tools, such as a plug follower, pinning tweezers, and a key decoder. These tools will help you disassemble and reassemble the lock cylinder with ease. Additionally, having a variety of key pins on hand will allow you to create different key combinations for different locks.

Remember, re-keying a lock requires precision and attention to detail. If you are unsure about the process, it is always best to seek professional help to ensure the job is done correctly and securely.

When is Re-keying Necessary?

Re-keying a lock is necessary in several situations. One common scenario is when you move into a new home or office space. It’s important to re-key the locks to ensure that you are the only one with access to the property. Another instance where re-keying is necessary is when you lose your keys or they get stolen. By re-keying the lock, you can prevent unauthorized individuals from using the lost or stolen keys to gain entry. Additionally, if you have recently experienced a break-in or suspect that someone has tampered with your lock, re-keying is a crucial step to enhance security.

Benefits of Re-keying a Lock

Re-keying a lock offers several benefits that make it a worthwhile investment:

  • Enhanced Security: By re-keying a lock, you can ensure that only authorized individuals have access to your property. This is especially important if you’ve recently moved into a new home or office.

  • Cost Savings: Re-keying a lock is generally more cost-effective than replacing the entire lock. It allows you to change the key combination without having to purchase new hardware.

  • Convenience: Re-keying a lock is a relatively quick and straightforward process. It can be done without removing the lock from the door, saving you time and effort.

Tip: It’s recommended to re-key your locks periodically to maintain the security of your property.

Preparing for Re-keying

Gathering the Necessary Tools

Before starting the re-keying process, it is important to gather all the necessary tools. These tools will help you disassemble and reassemble the lock cylinder with ease. Here are some essential tools you will need:

  • Screwdriver
  • Tweezers
  • Plug follower
  • Key pins

Having these tools ready before you begin will ensure a smooth and efficient re-keying process.

Removing the Lock Cylinder

Once you have gathered all the necessary tools and are ready to begin the re-keying process, the first step is to remove the lock cylinder. This is an important step as it allows you to access the key pins and make the necessary changes. To remove the lock cylinder, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the key into the lock and turn it clockwise to the 12 o’clock position.
  2. Locate the small pinhole on the side of the lock cylinder.
  3. Insert a small Allen wrench or a straightened paperclip into the pinhole.
  4. Apply gentle pressure and push the tool into the pinhole until you feel resistance.
  5. While maintaining pressure, pull the key out of the lock cylinder.
  6. The lock cylinder should now be free and can be removed from the door.

Once the lock cylinder is removed, you can proceed to the next step of the re-keying process.

Identifying the Key Pins

When re-keying a lock, it is important to accurately identify the key pins. Key pins are the small cylindrical components inside the lock cylinder that correspond to the cuts on the key. To identify the key pins, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the lock cylinder from the door using the appropriate tools.
  2. Examine the key pins closely and compare them to a reference chart or key pin kit.
  3. Measure the length of each key pin using a caliper or a key pin gauge.
  4. Record the measurements and refer to the reference chart or key pin kit to determine the corresponding key pin sizes.

By accurately identifying the key pins, you can ensure that the new key will properly align with the pins and operate the lock smoothly.

Re-keying Process

Disassembling the Lock Cylinder

To begin the re-keying process, you will need to disassemble the lock cylinder. Start by removing the screws that hold the lock cylinder in place. Use a screwdriver to carefully unscrew the screws and set them aside. Once the screws are removed, you can gently pull the lock cylinder out of the door. Be cautious not to damage any surrounding components while doing so.

Replacing the Key Pins

After disassembling the lock cylinder, the next step in the re-keying process is replacing the key pins. Key pins are the small cylindrical pieces that align with the cuts on the key to allow it to turn in the lock. Here are the steps to replace the key pins:

  1. Remove the old key pins from the lock cylinder.
  2. Insert the new key pins into the corresponding chambers in the lock cylinder.
  3. Ensure that the new key pins are aligned with the correct cuts on the key.
  4. Test the key to make sure it turns smoothly in the lock.

It is important to handle the key pins carefully and ensure they are inserted correctly to ensure the lock functions properly.

Reassembling the Lock Cylinder

Once you have replaced the key pins, it’s time to reassemble the lock cylinder. Follow these steps:

  1. Insert the plug into the cylinder and align it with the keyway.
  2. Insert the retaining pin or screw to secure the plug in place.
  3. Test the key to ensure smooth operation.

Remember to handle the lock cylinder with care to avoid damaging the pins or springs.

Testing and Troubleshooting

Testing the New Key

Once you have inserted the new key into the lock cylinder, it is important to test it to ensure it functions properly. Turn the key in both directions to check if it smoothly operates the lock mechanism. Pay attention to any resistance or difficulty in turning the key, as this may indicate a problem with the re-keying process. If the key does not turn or if it feels stiff, you may need to disassemble the lock cylinder again and check for any misaligned or damaged key pins.

Common Issues and Solutions

When re-keying a lock, it is important to be aware of common issues that may arise and their corresponding solutions. Here are some common issues you may encounter:

Additional Tips and Considerations

Keeping Track of Re-keyed Locks

After re-keying a lock, it is important to keep track of the locks that have been re-keyed. This helps in maintaining security and preventing unauthorized access. One way to keep track is by creating a log or spreadsheet that includes details such as the date of re-keying, the location of the lock, and any additional notes. This log can be useful for future reference and for keeping a record of all re-keyed locks.

Seeking Professional Help

While re-keying a lock can be a DIY project for some, it is important to recognize when it is best to seek professional help. Professional locksmiths have the expertise and experience to handle complex lock re-keying tasks and ensure that the job is done correctly. Here are a few reasons why you may want to consider hiring a professional:

  • Time and Convenience: Re-keying a lock can be time-consuming, especially if you are not familiar with the process. Hiring a professional locksmith can save you time and effort.
  • Quality and Accuracy: Professional locksmiths have the necessary tools and knowledge to re-key locks accurately, ensuring that the new keys work smoothly.
  • Security and Peace of Mind: By hiring a professional, you can have peace of mind knowing that your locks are re-keyed correctly and your property is secure.

If you decide to seek professional help, make sure to choose a reputable locksmith service that offers reliable and efficient re-keying services.

When it comes to locksmith services, there are some additional tips and considerations that you should keep in mind. At BDS Locksmith Bay Area, we understand the importance of providing top-notch service to our customers. Whether you need a lock repaired, a key duplicated, or a security system installed, our team of experienced locksmiths is here to help. With our expertise and attention to detail, you can trust us to handle all of your locksmith needs. Contact us today to get a quote and experience the difference of working with a reliable and professional locksmith. Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I re-key a lock without the original key?

Yes, it is possible to re-key a lock without the original key. However, it may require additional steps and tools. It is recommended to consult a professional locksmith for assistance.

How long does it take to re-key a lock?

The time it takes to re-key a lock can vary depending on the complexity of the lock and the skill level of the person performing the re-keying. On average, it can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour.

Can I re-key all types of locks?

Re-keying is possible for most types of locks, including deadbolts, doorknob locks, and padlocks. However, some high-security locks may have specific re-keying requirements. It is best to check with the lock manufacturer or consult a professional locksmith.

Is re-keying a lock the same as replacing it?

No, re-keying a lock and replacing it are two different processes. Re-keying involves changing the internal pins and springs of the lock cylinder so that it can be operated by a new key. Replacing a lock, on the other hand, involves completely removing the old lock and installing a new one.

Can I re-key a lock myself?

Re-keying a lock can be done as a DIY project if you have the necessary tools and knowledge. However, it requires precision and patience. If you are unsure or uncomfortable with the process, it is recommended to hire a professional locksmith.

How often should I re-key my locks?

The frequency of re-keying locks depends on various factors such as security concerns, the number of people with access to the keys, and the age of the lock. It is generally recommended to re-key your locks when moving to a new property, after a security breach, or if you have lost track of who has copies of the keys.

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